
Showing posts from 2015

A simple prayer

Lord, make me an instrument of your peace: Where there is hatred, let me sow peace, Where there is injury, let me sow pardon, Where there is doubt, let me sow faith, Where there is despair, let me give hope, Where there is darkness, let me give light, Where there is sadness, let me give joy. O Divine Master, grant that I may Not try to be comforted, but comfort, Not try to be understood but to understand, Not try to be loved but to love. Because it is in the giving that we receive It is in the forgiving that we are forgiven And it is in the dying that we are born to eternal life.

Effectiveness and power of the Lord's Prayer.

Growing up as a kid my mum will always say don't be too lazy to pray, at least say the Lord's Prayer just invite God into your day. All around the world, people are hungry for hope. And God’s Word remains just as relevant, meaningful, and powerful as it has for thousands of years. In Matthew 6:9–13, Jesus taught His disciples a simple model for how they could reach out to the Father every day. Even today, people still recite Jesus’ words — what we know as “The Lord’s Prayer” — for comfort, provision, and direction for their lives. “Our Father who is in heaven, hallowed be Your name. Your kingdom come. Your will be done, On earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors. And do not lead us into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Yours is the kingdom and the power and the glory forever. Amen.” Matthew 6:9–13, NASB Watch link below

Most wonderful time of the year.

We have reached a time of the year when we get busy, our minds are racing with plans for the holiday. It's a great time of the year for me as well. God wants you to enjoy the holiday season. You are so important to Him. When the pressures of the world seem overwhelming, meditate on the fact that you are not here by accident. You are here for a purpose, created in the image of God. You have the power to influence the atmosphere around you. Set the tone for your family and loved ones by honoring and respecting them. Go the extra mile to be encouraging. Make the effort to be on time for gatherings. Stand on the common ground of peace even if you don't agree with everyone. Honor the Lord by honoring the people He has placed in your life and enjoy the most wonderful time of the year!  "Truly I tell you, whatever you did for one of the least of these brothers and sisters of mine, you did for me."  (Matthew 25:40, NIV) Stay blessed and enjoy your holiday.

Gods promises are more reliable to depend on, man can fail you but his word never fails.

In Scripture, when the angel visited Mary and told her that she would give birth to the Son of God, Mary had a pretty big question. She said, "How can this be seeing that I know not a man?" Mary wasn't married and had never been with a man. She was asking about the natural realm, but we can also look at this principle in a spiritual sense, too. God is saying today, "My promises are not dependent on man." You don't have to know certain people in order to fulfill your destiny. You don't have to have certain connections in the natural because the spirit of God will overshadow you to bring forth His promises. Sometimes we think, "If I could just get my boss to like me, then he'd give me that promotion. If I could just get to that certain school, then I'd be qualified. If I just had some important, influential friends, maybe I could get a good break." No, God's promises are not dependent on who you know or who you don't know. Prom...

God knows our hearts, be a worshipper!

You may have heard the story about the wise men who followed the star and set out to find Jesus. They studied the sky for years and the ancient prophecies in order to determine the time and location of the birth of the Savior. They prepared and planned for the long journey, determined and focused on their mission to see Him. When they arrived to the place where He was, scripture says they fell on their faces and worshiped Him. Then they opened their treasure bags and presented Him with gifts. So many times in scripture, people sought Jesus because they had a need. People traveled long distances to get their needs met. They ripped off roofs, climbed trees, pushed through crowds, and went to great lengths to find healing and hope in Him and He was glad to meet their needs. He was honored by their faith in Him. But the thing about the wise man is that the only reason they sought Jesus was to see Him and worship Him. They planned and prepared and traveled and went to great lengths becau...

How we address ourselves

Look closely u will  realise  names  are  not  by accident..... mine means good luck  and also mighty in battle, i will not say  my life  has been  lucky all the way  but blessed and   just favored by GOD.. i have  seen people with several names  and their name define their lives.  would  u like to experience a feeling of being blessed  just speak to ur life daily and  call urself blessed lets see how  that turns out.....often times we are  choked up with life it makes it hard  to pray an prophesy over  our day but its just tantrums the enemies throw at us to distract us... lets challenge ourselves start prophesying positive word into your day and see  how things change..... STAY BLESSED.

Trusting God to provide for you by knowing when to draw the line......

s So the king said to me, Why do you look sad, since you are not sick? . . .Then I was very much afraid. . . . The king said to me, For what do you ask? So I prayed to the God of heaven. —Nehemiah 2:2-4 When a boss demands so much of an employee that it is ruining her home life, her spiritual life, and perhaps her health, she is not being rebellious if she confronts the boss and states plainly what she can and cannot do. She actually would incur guilt if she did not. God expects a person to put her marriage, her family, her home, her spiritual life, and her health before her job. If she loses her job as a result of proper confrontation, God will help her get a better one. It is sad when a person lives in so much fear of the loss of money and reputation that she allows herself to lose her health, the respect of her family, and a good relationship with God. It is sad to have the approval of someone, such as a boss, but to be out of the will of God. If you have been ...

Grace for the season.........

This time of year always warms my heart and reminds me of many wonderful holidays spent with family and friends. But, I've found that if I'm not careful, I can find myself getting wrapped up in the busyness of the season, things to do, people to see, and gifts to buy. I think this is true for most people. Many people live life "maxed out" before the holidays even start and then adding just a little extra stress on top creates a recipe for frustration, hurt feelings, and strife. The Bible warns us in James 3:16 that when strife comes in it opens the door for "every evil work." It's up to us to close the door on strife and use wisdom when planning our days. We have to consciously make the effort to receive God's grace, extend mercy to others, and hold on to peace. Remember, grace is God's supernatural favor, mercy, and power upon you. It's His ability working in you to accomplish whatever you need to. It is a free gift from God...


And now these three remain: faith, hope and love. But the greatest of these is love. —1 Corinthians 13:13 NIV One of the best ways to get your mind off a problem or a troubling situation is to go help someone else. When you display love to others, it not only blesses you, but it changes the world around you. Those are two great reasons to start living in love. We’ve all tried selfishness, discouragement, and self-pity— and we have seen the terrible fruit of that. The world has seen the results of those things too. But thankfully, genuine love is different! Let’s agree that we will live life God’s way—in gratitude and love. Be mindful to be a blessing to others (see Galatians 6:10), put on love (see Colossians 3:14), and live like Jesus. Jesus got up daily and went about doing good (see Acts 10:38). If we will follow that example, we are sure to change the world. Prayer of Thanks: I thank You, Father, that there is a better way to live my life than focusing on my ...

What we feed our eyes,ears and soul is important..............

God wants you and me to live blessed lives. He loves us so much, and He has given us the keys to access His blessing.  In Psalm chapter one, He tells us that it's important who we hang around and who we allow to speak into our lives. It's important who influences the decisions we make. It says, "Blessed is the person who does not walk in the counsel of the ungodly or stand in the way of sinners or sit in the seat of mockers, but his delight is in the law of the Lord." In essence, God is saying, "Make My Word the standard for everything in your life because that's how you will live a blessed life!" Now, you might be thinking, "I have decent friends. I don't take ungodly counsel." Think about this: What are you watching on TV? What are you listening to on the radio? What are you reading in the tabloids? Culture makes a spectacle of craziness, and people line up all day long to watch! You may not think you'll ever act like t...

dealing with anger

When angry, do not sin; do not ever let your wrath (your exasperation, your fury or indignation) last until the sun goes down. Leave no [such] room or foothold for the devil [give no opportunity to him]. —Ephesians 4:26–27 We all get angry, but we must be careful to understand why we are angry. Many people who become frequently angry have a root of insecurity in their lives that wipes out their confidence. Those who are easily offended and touchy are insecure. They must be treated well to feel good about themselves. And if not, they get angry. God never tells us not to feel anger, but He does give instructions on how we process our anger. When we stay angry, we open a door for the devil to work in our lives. Most of the ground gained by Satan in the Christian’s life is gained through bitterness, resentment, and unforgiveness. People who easily fly into a rage always make a bad landing. When our emotions are out of control, so is our life. Anger makes our mouth work faster than o...

Loving unconditionally.........

Loving Unconditionally: It's easy to love people that are just like us.Unconditional love says, I'm going to love you even if I don't agree with you. Don't have a holier than thou attitude. Take off the judgmental glasses. When we show this unconditional love, people may not respond right away. We are sowing seeds of love. It may look like it's not doing any good. We don't have to straighten everybody out. All we have to do is sow the seed. The church has been good at telling people what we don't like. John 13:35, By this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you love one another. What would this world be like if instead of judging people we started loving people? They may come from a different culture, denomination or faith. Sometimes we have this narrow view of God. When we get to heaven we will be surprised who all is there. When you love unconditionally, you have a wide circle. You are not judging everyone to see if they fit in your littl...

Getting to understand the fruit of the Holy Spirit.

But the Holy Spirit produces this kind of fruit in our lives: love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these things!  –Galatians 5:22-23 NLT You may not know it, but when you gave your life to Jesus, all the fruits of the Spirit were planted inside you in seed form. Through the Spirit you can experience joy and peace in every circumstance, no matter how difficult or painful. You may not be a naturally patient person, but you can call on the Spirit within to produce patience. If you’re battling unhealthy behaviors, like an addiction or some kind of bad habit, the Holy Spirit can give you the ability to resist the devil and make healthy choices. The apostle Paul put it this way: When we were controlled by our old nature, sinful desires were at work within us, and the law aroused these evil desires that produced a harvest of sinful deeds, resulting in death. But now we have been released from th...

It's your innermost thought that matters!!

All of us have areas where we struggle. We all make mistakes and do things that we know we shouldn't. We tell ourselves that we aren't going to give in to that temptation anymore, but we do it again. Or, we lose our temper or compromise in some way. It's easy to go around feeling guilty and condemned. Your mind will whisper, "God's never going to bless you. You can't get it right. You don't deserve it. Just sit on the sidelines." We think we have to have a perfect performance in order for God to bless us. We think, "Once I overcome in these areas, then I'll have God's favor. Then I'll feel good about myself." But Scripture says, "God searches the earth to show Himself strong in people whose hearts are turned perfect toward Him."  God is not looking for people who have a perfect performance, people who never make a mistake. He's looking for people who have a perfect heart turned toward Him. That means you may make ...

Comfort Zone

I've met some really interesting people in my life. Each person has a story and I've learned so much by listening to them. The other day I was talking to a guy at Planet Fitness. Jim* shared with me a few things about his life that were pretty surprising. However, what stood out to me the most was what happened to him after he had a heart attack. Jim shared how after the heart attack he saw life in a whole different way. He said that even 'small things' he saw brought joy to his heart. He noticed things, where in the past, he never even paid any attention to. Isn't it amazing to see how something like a heart attack can open someone's eyes? I too remember how I saw life totally different after I had an encounter with God ,seems strange, but somehow when we are taken out of our comfort zones we start to see life in a whole new way. I don't like to be taken out of my comfort zone, but I've learned that even when I am, God has a way to open my eyes to ...

Keys to fulfilling destiny.

1. REALIZE THAT YOU ARE NOT YET PERFECT The first key to fulfilling our destiny is to realise that we are not yet perfect . The Apostle Paul realised that he still had a long way to go. Inspite of all the spiritual experiences that he had in his life he did not think that he had attained everything. Unless we realise our need and true condition, we will become complacent and self satisfied.  Those whom I love I rebuke and discipline. So be earnest, and repent." Says our lord Isaiah 61:10 I delight greatly in the Lord; my soul rejoices in my God. For he has clothed me with garments of salvation and arrayed me in a robe of his righteousness, as a bridegroom adorns his head like a priest, and as a bride adorns herself with her jewels. Jeremiah 17 :9-10 The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it? â€Å“I the Lord search the heart and examine the mind, to reward each person according to their conduct, according to what their deeds deserve.” 2...

The ways of a worshipper

Thankfulness is at the heart of a worshipper. When we come to worship we can't help but thank God for who he is and what he has done. This sermon reminds us of the role of thankfulness in our encounter with God. Shout triumphantly to the Lord, all the earth" (Psa. 100:1). This is a repetition of Ps 98:4. The original word signifies a glad shout or to give a blast (as on a trumpet) such as loyal subjects give when their king appears among them. Since we don't see royalty very often, in our culture, it would like shouting at a celebrity to get their attention. The phrase "Shout for joy" includes a shout of triumph or a battle cry.When we come to worship our agenda is to meet God. God's agenda is to meet with us. We raise our voices to get his attention. This is not being rude or disrespectful. As we walk down the path to worship God, we simply cannot be quiet. We are not raising our voices to draw attention to ourselves. We shout for joy because the Lord is...

Quit blaming yourself

When the Israelites were slaves in Egypt, for many years they were beaten down. Not only physically, but emotionally. They were constantly told they were no good, they couldn't do anything right, they would never measure up. Over time, they let those words steal their sense of value. They felt inferior, insecure, like they had no self-worth. When a person is being mistreated or abused, especially for a long time; instead of recognizing the other person is doing them wrong, it's easy for them to accept the blame and start thinking they deserve what's happening. Before long, they're not only ashamed of what's happening, but they start to become ashamed of who they are. That's the way the Israelites felt. That's how the enemy twists things. But after 430 years, God brought them out of the slavery, out of the abuse. Just when they were about to enter the Promised Land, God said to them, "This day I have rolled away the reproach of Egypt off of you." Re...

Prayer for the day.

May all I do today begin with you, O Lord. Plant dreams and hopes within my soul, revive my tired spirit: be with me today. May all I do today continue with your help, O Lord. Be at my side and walk with me: Be my support today. May all I do today reach far and wide, O Lord. My thoughts, my work, my life: make them blessings for your kingdom; let them go beyond today, O God Today is new unlike any other day, for God makes each day different. Today God's everyday grace falls on my soul like abundant seed, though I may hardly see it. Today is one of those days Jesus promised to be with me, a companion on my journey, And my life today, if I trust him, has consequences unseen. My life has a purpose. "I have a mission... "I am a link in a chain, a bond of connection between persons. God has not created me for naught... Therefore I will trust him. Whatever, wherever I am, I can never be thrown away. God does nothi...

your thoughts become part of you.

I received this story and decided to share.... I wake every morning and sit up in bed, Another long day with the thoughts in my head, You're stupid, you're clumsy, you're fat and you're thick, Thousands of thoughts, they reel off too quick, Why did you say that? What will they think? Be quite, don't talk, you'll cause such a stink! Should I eat this, should I drink that? You know if you do, you'll only be fat, Don't look in the mirror, you mustn't do that, You're ugly, you're vain, what's the point in all that? Have you remembered what you did last night? Go over in your head, no, still it's not right, I must stop thinking, stop the thoughts in my head, I wish time would hurry up, I want to hide in my bed, Alone here am I, here alone I still lie, The thoughts are still there no matter how hard I try, Try to sleep, that's the best thing to do, Still a thousand thoughts are winding their way through, I'll try again tomorrow to ...

Galatians 5:1

This is your day and this is your fathers world. He created it just for you. Each one of us is an heir to the universe. Your only boundaries are your potential and perceptions. You can actually reach farther than your fingers and leap higher than your doubt. If you lift your head and raise your hands the clouds wiill give way, you are choosen by heaven today didn't you notice. Thats why you are alive to show it, SO SHOW UP AND SHOW OFF AND SHOW OUT. Its yet another day never loose that little mind, believe in the impossible... Share with me on how you make your day colourful even with all the negativity around. I will be pleased to hear frm each of you.

And he shall be called

Advocate, lamb of God, the life, shepherd of souls, head of the church, holy one, mediator, the beloved, author and finisher of our faith, the tribe of judea, prince of peace, the bride groom, counselor redeemer, anchor, bright morning star,  day spring, the only beggotten son, the living water, I can go on and on and on.  Praising God is good for your soul try it today. Good morning.

Daily goal

Be that person who will make everyone you come accross feel special. Try to touch a soul today every  kindness is a seed for your  tommorrow..... remember the widows might we dont have to be the weathiest to show love. I pray our good lord instill in us the spirit  of selflessness. Amen